There a many misconceptions about renters insurance and what it covers. To see if renters insurance is right for you, check out the biggest renters myths, debunked!
You did it – you’ve moved into your first apartment off-campus and there’s plenty of excitement with new classes, friends, and a sense of independence. With everything going on though, there may be one oversight that deserves a better look.
If you are a renter, whether in an apartment, a condo or a house, consider the value of adding renters insurance to your budget. With a renters policy, you may reduce your stress about the unknown and your risk in case of a covered catastrophic event.
The easiest way to know what's covered with your roof coverage is to contact your insurance provider. Coverage will often depend on the age of your roof, the area you live in, and other important factors, so it's important to know the specifics of your policy.
Flood insurance can be an important safeguard against significant financial loss, although your personal circumstances will help determine if it is right for you.
Check out some discounts that may be available to you!
The standard homeowners insurance policy, also known as an HO-3, covers your home for multiple perils, but there are some important exclusions. Knowing what's covered and what isn't can save you a lot of money and heartache down the line.